May 15, 2010

Manipulation and Girly Vampires

The new trend of vampire movies has proved, once more, the tremendous influence pop culture has on our youth. Our society is living a new ugly era of mind control that, inspired by Hitler himself, help capitalism sell just about anything without any opposing barrier such as free will or personal choice.

The vampire myths began somewhere in the tenth or twelfth century as stories to scare children, and probably to disgrace bad rulers. These stories spread all over Europe, until Bram Stoker wrote the famous novel Dracula. The main character was such an evil ruler that the devil himself granted him eternal life.

Bram Stoker inspired many other books and movies, all respecting the main idea – that God punished an evil man and/or the devil gifted him powers and eternal life. But in the past ten to fifteen years, a gay and merry RPG (role playing game) was published with a new kind of vampire society – Vampire Masquerade. To make the game playable, it introduced a bunch of new behaviors to these vampires that many became pseudo-aristocrats that cherished life, mingled with humans and conducted all sorts of schemes, but always remained hidden from the general public.

In most cases, these vampires were still powerful blood-sucking monsters, but they were also good elegant, rich, gay and even protectors of mankind. Thus, changing completely the evil-grim stereotype vampires once had in medieval to classical literature.

In these few years, the vampire cult has turned from a silly almost theatrical game into a new market and sub-culture. Vampire movies today bring a vulnerable, cute, very feminine kind of vampire. These fragile-looking girly vampires have become quite humane, friendly and goody heroes, and the public love them and wish to be bitten to become them.

What’s the problem? Just what’s in our faces. If culture manipulators, in the interest of capitalism, can change a very evil character from fiction into a lovable and desired hero, in just a few years of marketing, then any other belief can also be manipulated and changed to someone else’s wishes.

If today North Americans foster a deep hatred for Obama bin Laden, for arab terrorists, for whatever, such strong manipulation could have their children loving him and his crazy friends. If some new religion were to gain the marketing manipulators’ support, within a few years they could turn a new and controversial faith into an official and mandatory religion.

And just for all to know, many of these new religions (less than 50 years old) are investing heavily on television, radio, internet and other media. In recent years they marketed several fanatically religious movies. If the vampire stories were transformed from evil to good in such few years, rest assured that any of these doubtful and manipulative religions are seeking the same benefits.

Wise up! Society is divided in three very distinctive kinds of people – conformists (75%), manipulators (20%), and responders (5%). Within the main group, the conformists, a few are extracted by the manipulators and transformed into fanatics. The responders act, within their possibilities, against noticed abuses by manipulators and fanatics. Manipulators are those that cheat, lie, bribe and deceit to gain selfish benefits. The responders remain dormant until they perceive some wrong and their stronger characters compel them to act in the benefit of others. It’s been lack of responders that the world got in the shape its in.

There is no hope for expecting any conformists to act on themselves. If responders don’t answer their call, no one will. While religious, corporate or political manipulators act daily on their behalf and personal gain, the grand majority just sits through life letting it all happen – especially because they feel untouched by certain problems, if they’re ever aware of them anyway. They are happy as long as the see evil on their neighbors’ lawn, not their own. The great virtue of the responders is that they feel even when it’s just in their neighbors’ turf.

The conformist is a soulless character, he goes by his life in a very stagnant pace, only thinking of himself, and doesn’t take any part in other people’s problems. Worse, he thinks himself as being on some good side – although they are eternally neutral, to say the least. Society, also, is very much conformist and rewards noninvolvement through comfort in a curtain of politically correct (a future post).

Be very sure this blogger is a responder, what are you?

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